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The Adventures of Jack and Baxter - Written by Patti Palermo, is now available and can be purchased on Amazon! Join these kitties as they explore Disneyland, the beach, and even go camping! Don't miss out on all the fun! Buy it now

Mouse Cuisine - Ok, you have caught that mouse. . . now what? Why not spice up your lunch a little. Take that mouse and mince it, mousse it, wok it, or whatever you are in the mood for. Lay it out on a bed of lettuce, chill it in a jello mold, or for a special treat, how about eating it deep fried on a stick. This book will show you hundreds of tasty creative ways to enjoy that little critter!

Clawing Your Way to the Top -  How to come out ahead in a dog eat dog world. Learn how to beat that canine at his own game.

Man's New Best Friend - Drooling dogs are on their way out as man's best friend, and the cats are moving on up! While dogs continue trying to win humans over with obedience and loyalty, we are stealing their hearts away with our cuteness and our "I don't really care" attitudes. Humans are beginning to realize how much easier life is living with an independent cat that can entertain itself, rather than with a dog who is in constant need of attention. This is a must read for any cat sharing a household with a dog. 

Just Say Spay - Read the facts about the benefits of being spayed. Learn the impact your decision has on the entire cat community. Read it. . . learn from it. . . share it with your friends!

No Nonsense Facts About Being Neutered - Too many kittens, not enough homes. Learn how you can be part of the solution, not the problem. Yes, there is life after being neutered! Read it. . . and pass it around until all the tomcats in your neighborhood have read it!

Looking for a good book to read?
Check these out!